Exceptions can be useful for handling error conditions. They are suited for better structuring code and avoiding if/else cascades. However, exceptions can disturb the control flow and can make your program skip sections of your code. Cleaning up after errors and the management of resources can be affected by this. Another downside is the performance if exceptions are triggered often. If you need to catch errors, you have to be careful when to use exceptions and when to use error flags. The article Exception dangers and downsides in the C++ tutorial has some hints how to use exceptions:

  • Use exceptions for errors that trigger infrequently.
  • Use exceptions for errors that are critical for the code execution (i.e. error conditions that make subsequent operations impossible).
  • Use exceptions when the errors cannot be handled right at the point where it occurs.
  • Use exceptions when returning an error code is not possible or not an option.

The actual cost for exceptions is influenced by the compiler, the hardware, and the operating system. There is a sign that the exception handling is improved on the x86_64 platform. Having multiple cores can pose a problem, because unwinding exceptions is a single-thread problem. This can be a problem for locked resources and similar synchronisation techniques. The proposal P2544R0 describes the background of these problems, and it proposes some alternatives for error handling by exceptions. The article also has some measurements that show the impact of exceptions. My recommendation is to investigate how frequent errors are and to explore handling non-critical errors by using flags or return codes. When in doubt, use the instrumentation of your compiler and measure the actual cost of exceptions.