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The picture shows the top layer of the Linux kernel's API subsystems. Source:

Category: Programming

General programming techniques.

Go, Go Carbon, Go++, Carbon++, C++, or Go Rust?

I break my rule of not writing titles with questions marks. The exemption is because of the new programming language, Carbon. I saw the announcement a couple of days ago. The article mentioned that Google engineers are working on a new programming language called Carbon. The author of the article added the tagline „A Hopeful Successor To C++“. The immediate question to the endeavor of creating a new programming language was: Why? There are a lot of programming languages and dialects around. All the languages have their own background. It is easy to bash a specific programming language, but if you take the history of creation into account, then it gets easier to understand why specific design choices were made. It is easy to recommend different choices in retrospect. Given the existence of Go and the periodic C++ standard updates, I wonder what the design goals of Carbon are. Luckily, the article mentioned them:

  • C++ performance
  • Seamless bidirectional interoperability with C++
  • Easier learning curve for C++ developers
  • Comparable expressivity
  • Scalable migration

If you read the actual Carbon language description from the repository, then there are some additional goals:

  • Safer fundamentals, and an incremental path towards a memory-safe subset
  • Language evolution (Carbon wants to be C++’s TypeScript/Kotlin)

This doesn’t look too bad. Clearly safer fundamentals and memory-safe features are a good idea. After checking some code examples, the syntax of Carbon looks a lot like Rust. For my taste, the easier learning curve is in the beholder’s eye. Personally, I dislike Rust’s syntax. Carbon adds some grammar and differences in special characters that will probably hinder anyone with C++ experience (well, at least myself). The interoperability claims that you can use your tried build system for your projects. The Carbon project clearly states that it is presenting a prototype for exploring the desired language features. Apparently, the designers want to use C++ as the foundation and add their own vision.

C++ has evolved a lot in the past decade. The new C++ standards have implemented a lot of the missing features that had to be supported by third-party libraries. Because a programming language needs time to create a stable version. Carbon will have to catch up with C++’s head start. Judging from the project vision, it seems to be yet another use case for LLVM. Let’s see if we find out the real reason why Google wants to replace C++.

Implementing basic Tests during Software Development

The recent GnuPG bugs have sparked a discussion about standard tests during software development. The case was a buffer in the code which could be overwritten by a decryption operation. Overflow bugs can be easily avoided by defensive programming, but also by standard tests during the development phase. Modern compilers have features to test for stack/heap overflows, memory leaks, undefined behaviour, and many more cases you don’t want in your code. Clang offers the Clang Static Analyzer tools. GCC 10 offers similar features in the form of its static code analysis options as well. Valgrind celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, so there are no excuses. Since every project written in C/C++ always needs a set of build options for anyway, why not add some scripts or configurations to your tests?

First of all, adding something to your tests requires that you already do systematic testing of your code. Most projects have a collection of regression tests to make sure the code behaves as expected after changes. Additionally there might be test cases stemming from the bug reports to check for errors which should have been fixed and should never return. Furthermore, some projects have stress tests, load tests, and even fuzzing tests which can be easily activated. All of this requires a testing platform and processes to define, develop, test, and deploy tests. Not having a test infrastructure is no excuse for not testing code. This is especially true for code bases like libgcrypt or other widely used libraries/tools. The lack of continuous integration (CI) pipelines is also no excuse. Ideally tests are automated, but they don’t have to be. They need to just be run with few changes to the code and the build instructions. Often code has debug flags or other parameters which influences the run-time behaviour or generated code. That’s the way to start. Once your configuration (and maybe scripts) are in place, then you can go forth and automate everything else.

Collecting test cases should be your first step. Harvest the bug tracker and the change history. Try to extract cases and data that triggered a bug. Build a library of tests, then start extending your build system by a test mode that utilises this library and performs the tests. Don’t forget the benefits of your toolchain! Use the static analyzers when testing or running code. You can even do what you usually do with your code before shipping, just make sure the analysers are in place (i.e. compiled in or supervising the code execution). Using different compiles in the pre-shipping phase is a very good idea, too. All in all this should not add an enormous time to your development cycle. You have to test your code any way, why not let computers do this?

Using the built-in features of your compiler (or your favourite run-time framework) in order to detect bugs is a basic task for developers. Don’t wait until security researchers or penetration testers will do this for you. And if they do, please don’t treat bug reports as yet another rant. If it is a real bug report, then you should fix it and blame your code. The alternative is not to accept bug reports, but doing this doesn’t help anyone.

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